Please be aware that agencies utilizing Wellsky/Kinnser will need to determine which employees/users will have privileges to the Add Diagnosis Section in Kinnser. Once users are identified, administrators will need to go into Reports/Admin – Users – select employee, then drop down under Edit select Roles, scroll down to Specific Rights – and check the box next to Diagnosis Code Admin – Allows user to access Patient Diagnosis page and perform DX updates. Then scroll to the bottom and click update roles. Users will need to log out and back in for changes to occur.
Also keep in mind that the billing team or staff should be notified of any changes made to the diagnosis section as these changes can and most likely will impact the billing codes and payments.
This is the release note from Kinnser dated 01/08/2020:
Patient Diagnosis Page Updates
We have created new functionality within the diagnosis page within Episode Manager (Edit > Diagnosis). You can now search for and add additional diagnosis codes from within the page. Upon adding a new diagnosis code within the Diagnosis page, a Patient Communication is generated and the Print View is updated to reflect changes.